Other group companies
To maintain its leading position in the field of industrial technologies, the company invests significantly in acquisitions and JVs and is therefore present in the most strategic points of the world.
To maintain its leading position in the field of industrial technologies, the company invests significantly in acquisitions and JVs and is therefore present in the most strategic points of the world.
Oakland Park Florida / USA
1034 N.E.44th St.
Oakand Park, FL 33334 (USA)
tel.:+1 (800) 377-3329
fax:+1 (954) 565-5602
Montabaur / GERMANY
Aubachstrasse 3-5
56410 Montabaur (Germany)
tel.:+49 (0) 2602-916 84-0
fax:+49 (0) 2602-916 84-16
Livorno / ITALY
Via degli Arrotini, 73,
57121 Livorno LI (Italy)