Consumables for tire specialists

Dalla TR413 snap-in a tutte le valvole in gomma e metallo, tubeless e camera d’aria, per ogni applicazione su autovetture, moto, autocarro, trattori, agricoltura e movimento terra.
Snap-in valves for cars
Metal valves for cars and cars
Valves for commercial vehicles
Valves for motorcycles
Truck valves
Tractor valves
Earthmoving valves
Inside valve and lids
Rubber extensions, plastic, metal
Mounting, inflating and accessories
Tyre inflation

From the EURODAINU Michelin Wonder and Schrader pressure gauges, to a complete set of professional gauges and pressure gauges for control and measurement including PCL products. Automatic nitrogen inflators and portable blowers.
Inflation guns
Pressure gauges
Automatic inflation devices and nitrogen
Portable inflators
Air hose winders
Air hoses
Safety fittings and couplings
Safety cages
Assembly and disassembly

The range of mounting paste, mounting grease and lubricants for Italmatic tires have a very high quality and allow you to mount easily. The range includes the exclusive Fat Tiger Michelin and Socolub (also known as Bib’up Michelin) and more.
Pneumatic assembly paste
Sealants heels and brushes
Chalks for marking
Car and truck levers
Assembly tools
Mounting rings and OR
Manual tyre changer
Inlayers Bead Booster
Compressed air

Quick coupling compressed air fittings, hoses, spirals and various accessories complete the product range of Italmatic that always wants to offer quality products.
ITALMATIC compasses
Pullers for safety bolts
ITALMATIC screwdrivers
Compasses KOKEN
INGERSOLL compasses
INGERSOLL screwdrivers
Torque wrenches
Tyre repair

Italrepair has the new complete range of patches, patches and self-vulcanizing solutions for the repair of tires, proposed by Italmatic to complete a specific catalog for tire manufacturers. Radial repairs, inner tube, punctures. The offer also includes Patch Rubber repair material, distributed exclusively for Europe and Tech, distributed exclusively for Italy.
Repair material ITALREPAIR Repair material
Repair material PATCH RUBBER
SAFETY SEAL repair equipment
Repair tools
Grinders and posts
Milling cutters Carbide
Metal grinding wheels
Rubber grinding wheels
Grinding wheels and extruders
Material for hot repair
Pneumatic and manual vulcanizers
Pneumatic test tanks
Spreaders and inspecters
Anti-puncture products

Exclusive distributor for Italy.
TECH tyre repairs are the result of more than 80 years of study, innovation and improvement, increasing the level of safety for increasing customer confidence in the product. With billions of tyre repairs installed globally, TECH tire repairs last for the life of the tire as well as meet all international industrial and government standards published for proper tire repair.
Air chamber patches, envelopes and valve bases
Tubeless patches AP-MP
Mushrooms Uni-Seal – Uni-Seal Ultra Max
Shutters with stem
Permacure strings and kits
Centech radial patches
Thermacure radial patches
Aramid radial patches
Diagonal patches BP
Diagonal patches BP Thermacure
Diagonal patches TOR
Para, substrates and fabrics
Lifting and accessories

Complete range of hydraulic lifters and jacks Winntec and OMCN; rectangular and round rubber pads for all types of lifting bridges. Polyurethane pads for bridge lifts. Wedge pads for parking commercial vehicles.
Cricchi OMCN
Pit lifters
Motorcycle lifts and stands
Rubber pads
Tyre trolleys
Wheel lifters
Care and maintenance

NO Touch WET’N PROTECT tyre and polishing paints, car interior protections, seat covers, steering wheel covers, tyre bags, workshop paper, hand washing paste, unlocking and grease sviting and much more.
Hand-washing paste
Car and paper internal protections
Tyre bags
Tyre labels
Products for the care of the tire
Unblocking and nano-technological fat
Bolts nuts washers
Wheel clamping control
Equipment and accessories

Rigatore Rillfit Ruff (exclusive distribution), accessories and pads for tyre changers and other small equipment are items that you can find in the range.
Accessories for tyre changers
Rubber pads for tyre changer
Pneumatic beater
Machinery For Making Plastic Hardware
Striper and RUFF blades
Wheels for wheelbarrows and trolleys
Electric marker for tyres
Miscellaneous equipment and tools

Italmatic’s TPMS division was established in 2015 to offer specialized solutions for the spare parts market. The offer includes
sensors, diagnostic and programming tools, spare parts, tools, as well as training and technical support.
Italsensor car
Italsensor truck
Italsensor fleet management
Service kits and spare parts
Programming tools